C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
171 lines
page 80,132
; EGA Graphic Primitive for Microsoft C 3.0, Version 01APR86.
; (C) 1986 by Kent Cedola, 2015 Meadow Lake Ct., Norfolk, VA, 23518
dpl struc
flags db ?
device db ?
width dw ?
height dw ?
w_inch dw ?
h_inch dw ?
colors dw ?
palettes dw ?
initrd dw ?
readrw dw ?
termrd dw ?
initwt dw ?
writrw dw ?
termwt dw ?
link dw ?
segment dw ?
pages dw ?
dpl ends
dgroup group _data
_data segment word public 'data'
assume ds:dgroup
_vdwritbp dw 0
_vdwritb1 db 0
_vdwritb2 db 0
_vdwritw1 dw 0
_vdwritw2 dw 0
_vdwritw3 dw 0
vdpl db 01h ; Flags
db 'V' ; Device
dw ? ; Width
dw ? ; Height
dw 1 ; W_inch
dw 1 ; H_inch
dw ? ; Colors
dw ? ; Palettes
dw offset _text:_vpinitrd ; Initrd
dw offset _text:_vpreadrw ; Readrw
dw offset _text:_vptermrd ; Termrd
dw offset _text:_vpinitwt ; Initwt
dw offset _text:_vpwritrw ; Writrw
dw offset _text:_vptermwt ; Termwt
dw 0 ; Link
dw ? ; Segment
dw ? ; Pages
_data ends
_text segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:_text,ds:dgroup
public _vpinit,_vpterm
public _vpinitrd,_vpreadrw,_vptermrd
public _vpinitwt,_vpwritrw,_vptermwt
dpl = vpinit(x,y,bits);
_vpinit proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
mov ax,32 ; Allocate 32 bytes of memory for DPL
push ax ; Store number of bytes (32) on stack
call _malloc ; Call C's memory allocation function
add sp,2 ; Restore Stack
or ax,ax ; Check for "Out of Memory" condition
jz initerr ; Jump on error (Out of Memory)
mov di,ax ; Initialize new DPL (pointer in SI)
push di ; Save pointer of DPL for later
lea si,vdpl ; Copy standard pattern to new DPL
mov cx,16 ; Set counter for DPL size in words
push ds ; Copy DS to ES
pop es ; ...
rep movsw ; Perform the copy operation
pop si ; Restore DPL into SI
mov ax,[bp+4] ; Load width and copy to DPL
mov [si].width,ax ; ...
mov ax,[bp+6] ; Load height and copy to DPL
mov [si].height,ax ; ...
mov ax,[bp+8] ; Load bits and copy to DPL
mov [si].colors,ax ; ...
mov [si].palettes,ax ; ...
mul [si].width ; Determine width in bytes
add ax,[si].palettes ; ... = (width * bits + bits - 1) / 8
dec ax ; ...
shr ax,1 ; ...
shr ax,1 ; ...
shr ax,1 ; ...
mul [si].height ; Determine number of bytes needed
div sixteen ; Determine number of paragraphs needed
mov [si].pages,ax ; Copy to DPL
mov ax,[bp].buffer
mov _xdwritbp,ax
cmp [bp].dir,0
jnz bottotop
mov ax,5
mov _xdwritw2,ax
mov ax,[bp].y_coor
jmp short cont
mov ax,-5
mov _xdwritw2,ax
mov ax,[bp].y_coor
add ax,[bp].y_len
dec ax
mov cx,ax
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
add ax,cx
add ax,_gdgseg
mov dx,[bp].x_coor
mov cx,dx
shr dx,1 ; X / 8;
shr dx,1 ; ...
shr dx,1 ; ...
add ax,dx
mov _xdwritw1,ax
mov al,80h ; Compute mask byte to first bit
and cl,7 ; ... (It has to be done this way to
ror al,cl ; ... use merge value in write)
mov _xdwritb1,al ; ...
mov ax,[bp].x_len
mov _xdwritw3,ax
mov dx,03CEh ; Load graphic controller's address port
mov ah,_GDMERGE
mov al,3
out dx,ax
mov ax,0205h
out dx,ax
pop bp
_gpinitwt endp
_text ends